Congress is blaming the beltway press for this artificial August deadline for this disastrous Health Care scheme.
I have heard it said that the further back one can remember the more intelligent one tends to be. So how bright must one be that can't remember several weeks back?
Now where in the world did anyone get this idea of a deadline ? Of course failure to meet this deadline was the Republican's fault, not the fact that the Democrats can't play nice with each other.
Folks they think you're stupid. If you believe them then you too are stupid.
I have heard it said that the further back one can remember the more intelligent one tends to be. So how bright must one be that can't remember several weeks back?
Now where in the world did anyone get this idea of a deadline ? Of course failure to meet this deadline was the Republican's fault, not the fact that the Democrats can't play nice with each other.
Folks they think you're stupid. If you believe them then you too are stupid.