This year's Michael Moore Moonbat Award, given each year by the IOpian View in recognition of those individuals of low intellectual prowess who somehow manage to affect the public discourse, is hereby awarded to:
'Mad Mookie' al Sadr and Medea 'Pinkie' Benjamin.
'Mad Mookie' al Sadr and Medea 'Pinkie' Benjamin.
is this where i give my "sorry i didn't receive this award" speech?
good one, iopian!
I originally had Mother Sheehani in there but ran across the pic of Benjamin in her battygirl outfit and simply couldn't resist. They do make a handsome couple and have a lot in common. While doing the photoshop I kept wondering what their children would look like.
How come I didn't make "the list"?
OH! Yeah! Even I'M not Medea Benjamin Looney.
just some guy... I think Medea Benjamin is probably the 'Elvis' of raging moonbattery... try as we might no one will ever be able to top her.
iopian - i've always been curious as to why a person named susan would name themselves "medea" - tragic really.
<^..^> ahhooooooooooo!
nanc... I won't even attempt to delve into the 'thinking' of the leftist mind. If I had to guess I would suppose it is because she is starved for attention.
After their little Trick or Treat adventure at the Congressional hearings lately I did notice when they were removed she pouted like a little kid saying "this isn't fair" much like any 5 year-old would.
I think she might have 'issues'.
you don't suppose she's killed two children because her husband scorned her, do you? hence, the name change to "medea"?
some people, iopian...
I was going to say that I would not doubt if she has had multiple abortions but then I looked at the picture again... that would require impregnation which is not a probable likelihood. I imagine her flag flies in the other direction.
I know that this was a while back, but this is comical! By the way, there is a guy on You Tube & Digg who goes by the name Michael Mooreon. He took on that name to jab Michael Moore's idiocy! I've known the guy all my life. Keep slaying the moonbats! And by the way, Dr. Howard Dean is out of the moonbat rabies vaccine; the moonbat rabies is spreading!
ahh mmsc.... moonbats.. life would sure be dull without them.
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