multiculturalist mangers of the tallest remaining building in New York City decided to kickoff of Eid-al-Fitr by lighting the building green. How considerate. I'm sure there are about 2,752 others that wish they could have been there to admire the salute to muslims worldwide.
this doesn't seem so strange in light of what our own president (who i voted for btw) stands for:
am i wrong to question his faith? considering the direction this nation is headed?
did you watch the debate this evening?
Well he's in a pickle as the leader of the whole country he really can't choose sides but all it takes is one good reading of the Koran to realize Mo had to borrow from the Judaeo/Christian tradition as a basis for the religion he invented. But Allah is a false god. I've also noticed that in the OT and NT it is God that speaks directly to the major players like Abraham, Moses and Jesus. Mo only ranked and angel ( so he claims ).
Yes I am stuck in a hotel room in Albuquerque on business this week so I watched it. But I am suffering debate fatigue. Ron Paul I think is sincere but he is the Republican 'Jimmah Carter' but entertaining but he is right about the Republicans losing their way in terms of the last Congress when they spent like Democrats.
All the other candidates have their points but I'm a Fredhead and I really liked his last answer about being accused of being lazy. I am more in line with Tancredo but I don't think he is electable. Tired of them also making a focal point out of the Hildebeast. I hope Obama gets the nominaton because I'd really like to see him get mauled by Thompson but I think Romney will get the nomination.
it'd almost be worth it to register as a dhimmicrat...for the primaries i mean!
o.t. - when you get the chance, you should go to moonbattery and check out van's tiny "hotlinking" post - posted last night i believe - prepare to be delighted!
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