Friday, November 21, 2008

Calling Dr. Gore, Calling Dr. Gore

We need more CO2..stat.. The Arctic ice has trapped the whales.


nanc said...

iopian - i was going to post on this today but couldn't quite find the right words - soooooo glad to see somebody i know has picked up on it - i know john at republicus will be extremely overjoyed at this news!

IOpian said...

Not sure if you saw it but this weekend there was another article about how rapidly the sea ice is growing. I still do not understand why they couldn't have taken a ship to cut a path through the ice but I'm sure there is a reason.

One of these days the religion of Goraclism will get a clue that we humans are just a patch of fungus growing on the Earth and the prudent thing is to just figure out how to hang on for the ever changing ride. It is we that must adapt to nature, not attempt to adapt nature to us.

nanc said...

my husband said he saw gore on a program NOT taking questions that were too hard for him.

or something like that.

IOpian said...

That's why he won't debate. He is just parroting what he hears from people he thinks are smarter than him.... and that's a lot of people.

My senator is Inhofe - The Anti-Goracle. Love to see the two of them debate. Sort of did in the hearings. Gore has yet to sign the pledge he wants the rest of us to sign...

After half a century we have lived barely long enough to have experienced climate cycles. We are definitely in a cooling trend. Here both winter and summer were mild. We had our moments but they were just two weeks outside of the trend. The nights in the summer were cool enough that I slept with the window open and turned off the AC