Saturday, March 15, 2008

Like Cream, Some Turds Float to the Top

It's time for a tribute to America's royal family... The Kennedys


Anonymous said...

That's the spittin' image of Teddy today...

Some people never grow up!

nanc said...

there is NOTHING RIGHT about the kennedy's. NOTHING!

happy st. patrick's day, iopian!


IOpian said...

The weekend had the Kennedy worship vids on. First there was the movie JFK, though a work of fiction, it is still a good movie, then came the Kennedys, America's Royal Family, Then the curse of the Kennedys... every time I see Ted Kennedy in his apology for killing Mary Jo I just think what a slime bag.

As an Irish/Native American I demand the day off for St. Pat's. We have one for MLK why not the Irish Americans... all all 35 million of us.

Phelonius said...

Ah, you Irish have always needed a Scot around to bring a little culture to you lives.

If you need a good Saint, you should look to St. Andrew......besides, He has a nice blue and white flag to go with it......

nanc said...

iopian - which tribe?

me, oglala sioux and irish - i have a funny indian surname, but if i weren't married go by my father's adopted name which is polish jew. talk about multi-culti!

IOpian said...

Choctaw. My maternal great-granfather was full blood. My mother's maiden name is Jones but that was the English surname he took. So it is almost impossible to trace him back. I tried once but Tom Jones is not exactly a unique name.

What is bizarre is after Dad died his wife gave me his family history research folder. He always wanted to find out our Irish origins but never did. He thought we were paotato famine immigrants. I was looking through his notes and correspondence and noticed an email address in the corner so I emailed this lady. She had it all. So I know my paternal line goes back to 1738 in Virginia but moved to North Carolina by 1747.

One day I got on the net and traced back my mother's maternal line back to 1747... in North Carolina. Got to checking and they both came from the same county as my Dad's. His family went from there to Salem Arkanasas and Mom's went from there to Texas. Then both migrated to North Central OK to meet once again.

But I am a bonafide American mongrel.

Phelonius said...

Nanc, that sounds like my blood-line. I have a lot of scot, but there is german, english, and my grandmother was at least half choctaw.

IOpian, don't take offense at my poke at your irish-ness. All in fun, amigo, all in fun.

IOpian said...

Not at all. In fact I don't mind Longhorn's ribbing me about OU. Some time back I was reading about the migrations of the families in Scotland and Ireland especially during the famines. I gather that there is a Scottish version for most of the surnames in Ireland. I remember when I was five and my dad was teaching me to sign my name. I asked him why you put the little 'c' over the top of the "i". That's when I learned the difference between a Mic and a Mac.

Phelonius said...

The family line came over sometime around 1690 and the "founding dad" took up residence in Jamestown colony. Lots of times the Scots intermarried, so the Scots blood remains strong to this day in our line.

Funny story.... A few years back (in the 80's) a Baird came over directly from Scotland and lived in our small community. The family resemblance was so strong between him and my Dad that it just did not seem possible that 400 years had passed since our lines had separated. Others outside the family commented on it.

The funniest part was that the Scot's temperament had not changed on whit either. "Short fuse, blow up and scream at everybody, upset the whole world, and then when you are done everything is all right with the world..."

nanc said...

my mother has custers in her family line and i have sitting bulls...


but, i do take pride in my being a mongrel too.