The Democrats Pelosi and Durbin have made the point that we cannot drill ourselves out of this mess. In the short term they are correct. But it is a mess they have taken part in creating and have learned nothing in decades. In a long term consideration that is the equivalent of saying we can't grow crops and eat out way out of starvation. Had they allowed exploration in Anwar ten years ago we would not be in this mess. Maybe we would not have had to expend our blood and resources maintaining our society's access to energy from unstable regions of the world.
I have heard no discussion whatsoever of the stimulus to our economy that putting the steel workers, electricians, millwrights, welders, engineers from all disciplines, truck drivers, thousands of general laborers back to work would have.
But the most important consideration to people like Pelosi and Durbin, who could change this all in a single vote, find it more important that the same people that created this mess continue to stay in power. The rest of us be damned.
We cannot afford a second Carter term. Been there, done that, only an simpleton would want to go through it again.
Good post amigo.
I remember the year that Reagan came into the White House. There was a palpable feeling of relief, as not only the hostages in Iran were given back, but there was a real feeling of American pride again. The years of government socialist experiments came to and end and we had someone there that knew what the problem actually WAS.
IMHO, those ideals have not changed on tiny WHIT. There is no reason to believe that returning to the Carter policies is going to benefit us in any way whatsoever.
I recall breathing a sigh of relief that finally there were serious adults running the country.
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