Thursday, November 15, 2012
Friday, October 12, 2012
Biden's Mission Accomplished.
don't watch these silly 'debates' on TV. Perhaps one day when they are
moderated by someone other than Democrat shills. Until then I will just
let it all seep through the spin cycle first before making an opinion.
Initially though I think Biden served his purpose... to do whatever was
necessary to not let Ryan speak. If anyone recalls the way Ryan
dissembled Obama care at that 'bi-partian' meeting Obama called so he
could look presidential. Instead Ryan exposed the smoke and mirrors in
the legislation. Obama was humiliated.
So the last thing
Biden's handlers wanted was to allow Ryan to do the same thing again.
So they sent Biden in with the age old strategy: If you can't dazzle
them with brilliance... baffle them with BS.
And who is better suited for such a strategy?
Mission Accomplished.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Thursday, September 06, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Friday, August 17, 2012
Obama in 2008 on McCain Plan to Cut 800B From Medicare: That Ain't Right
Obama explains the ethics of cutting Medicare to pay for an ill-conceived healthcare plans that will cut the quality of care.
Wednesday, August 08, 2012
Sunday, August 05, 2012
The 2009 Federal Budget Belongs To The Democrats.
The Federal budget for 2009 was for the period October 2008 – September 2009.
Bush originally proposed a budget with a 400 billion deficit.
The Democrat controlled congress funded the government by continuing resolutions until Obama took office.
He signed, in private a budget that increased the deficit to 868 billion.
The Obama administration deceptively attempts to attribute this budget to Bush.
Obama has made the claim that under his administration the growth of the deficit is the lowest in decades.
He does this by not including the 2009 budget.
So he didn't inherit this mess from Bush. The Pelosi / Reid congress created it and he is the one that signed it.
They own it.
Bush originally proposed a budget with a 400 billion deficit.
The Democrat controlled congress funded the government by continuing resolutions until Obama took office.
He signed, in private a budget that increased the deficit to 868 billion.
The Obama administration deceptively attempts to attribute this budget to Bush.
Obama has made the claim that under his administration the growth of the deficit is the lowest in decades.
He does this by not including the 2009 budget.
So he didn't inherit this mess from Bush. The Pelosi / Reid congress created it and he is the one that signed it.
They own it.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Thursday, July 19, 2012
US Responds To Iranian Attack On US Carrier Group
Gateway Pundit has a post up saying 'Official Hezbollah Website Posts Iranian Attack Plan On US Carrier Group'.
So, not to be outdone by the Hezzies, I will put a post up saying:
.... I can dream can't I? We are, after all, living the Carter Error over again.
So, not to be outdone by the Hezzies, I will put a post up saying:
US Responds To Iranian Attack On US Carrier Group
with this picture detailing the strategy:
.... I can dream can't I? We are, after all, living the Carter Error over again.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
I find it somewhat amusing that the very people that advocate globalization, that encompasses outsourcing our sovereignty and environmental regulation to the UN, outsourcing our space program to the Russians, outsourcing our fiscal policy to the Chinese and our immigration laws to illegal aliens are doing so in hopes of proving Romney may have been at the helm of Bain when some jobs were outsourced by one of its holdings. Somewhat like Obama's associates from GE have done. I do find it disconcerting that the Romney camp isn't hitting back with this blatant hypocrisy.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Tuesday, July 03, 2012
Taking Too Big Of A Bite.
McConnell says it will be too difficult to undo this monstrosity. That is a good point. I am afraid that if the Republicans try this approach then it will fail. The problem is rolling the good in with the bad. It would be prudent to focus on the most egregious and unpopular parts of it.
Aim at the mandate first and those things associated with it like the IRS collection apparatus. This can be done and would have popular support. Aim next at these state exchanges. That's the mechanism that allows federal control of the market and offerings. They actually limit choices and are put in place as a platform for insertion of a single-payer structure after the eventual collapse of the private market due to having to pick up the tab for everybody's healthcare.
Leave and improve those thing the people like about the few good ideas the legislation modified. Ultimately there would be something resembling a system this kind of structuring should have looked like to begin with but without satiating the government's busy bodies' lust for control.
Aim at the mandate first and those things associated with it like the IRS collection apparatus. This can be done and would have popular support. Aim next at these state exchanges. That's the mechanism that allows federal control of the market and offerings. They actually limit choices and are put in place as a platform for insertion of a single-payer structure after the eventual collapse of the private market due to having to pick up the tab for everybody's healthcare.
Leave and improve those thing the people like about the few good ideas the legislation modified. Ultimately there would be something resembling a system this kind of structuring should have looked like to begin with but without satiating the government's busy bodies' lust for control.
Sunday, July 01, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Not Too Bright
Does he mean something like Hope and Change ?
From The Weekly Standard:
"..And, you can pretty much put their campaign on, on a tweet and have some characters to spare.”
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Friday, May 18, 2012
Friday, May 11, 2012
"Occupier" Thanked Former Soviet Citizen for "Converting" Him to Capital...
This guy spews almost every talking-point of these dregs. What happens when those views are actually challnged over the din of there infantile group chants.
Wednesday, May 09, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
Obama Acting Supidly
If the Individual Mandate is thrown out then this may be the moment when Obama 'acted stupidly'. He attacked the wrong people, in the wrong place, at the wrong time. They are his peers not his subordinates. The Chief Justice is also the one that presides over impeachment proceedings in the Senate.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
A Free People?
In common law and statutory law a contract entered into under duress is not a valid contract. If the government mandates that a citizen enter into a contract with a private entity under threat of a penalty then that contract was made under duress. Some of you wanted fundamental transformation and you got it.
What's next? Because transportation effects all of us and is interstate commerce could Congress pass a law, using this as precedence,that mandates you buy an electric car or pay a fine? You bet. Where does it end? Well... stop kidding yourself about being a free people is a good beginning.
What's next? Because transportation effects all of us and is interstate commerce could Congress pass a law, using this as precedence,that mandates you buy an electric car or pay a fine? You bet. Where does it end? Well... stop kidding yourself about being a free people is a good beginning.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
Tuesday, February 07, 2012
Hostage Crisis
CBS Iranian Hostage Release-CBS Evening News, 1/20/1981
Today we have a repeat of history. The exception is that the regime holding the 19 hostages were supported by Democrats and the Obama Administration. So what will be done about it?
1. Democrats have little in the way of popular policy achievements to run on and are having to dig deep to come up with monumental successes.
A. They echo the meme that it was Obama that got Bin Laden. It is more accurate to say that he was President when the decades long effort of our security apparatus and the diligent training of our military forces were ready to act when the target presented itself. The democrats call the no-brained decision to kill Bin Laden a gutsy call.
B. Our Seal Team was able to rescue two hostages from Somalia and credit is given, once again, to Obama.
C. He is given credit for ending the war in Iraq when he had nothing to do with the agreement on the withdrawal date ratified before he ever took office.
Obama also faces the stigma of being compared to Jimmy Carter. A hostage crisis now, with this build up as a great and decisive military leader may now come back to haunt him and his zealot followers. So what does he do?
A. Egypt isn't Somalia. It is a large country with a fairly established social order. Dropping in and snatching nineteen hostages from the Egyptian military would actually be a gutsy call given the tentative nature of our relations with an unstable government. The failure of a Carter rescue attempt would weigh heavily in a re-election year.
B. He can't do nothing until after the election so he has to act.
C. Diplomacy may work especially if Egypt needs funding. But that takes time.
D. Every day this goes on will only enhance the Obama/Carter comparison.
E. After thirty three years this President stills thinks negotiation is the correct path to reign in Iranian nuclear ambitions. This notion borders on absurdity and naivete.
What's a small man to do? Blame the Seals if a rescue mission fails. Blame Bush, the Congress?
Mr. Obama, you need to live up to your followers delusions.
Today we have a repeat of history. The exception is that the regime holding the 19 hostages were supported by Democrats and the Obama Administration. So what will be done about it?
1. Democrats have little in the way of popular policy achievements to run on and are having to dig deep to come up with monumental successes.
A. They echo the meme that it was Obama that got Bin Laden. It is more accurate to say that he was President when the decades long effort of our security apparatus and the diligent training of our military forces were ready to act when the target presented itself. The democrats call the no-brained decision to kill Bin Laden a gutsy call.
B. Our Seal Team was able to rescue two hostages from Somalia and credit is given, once again, to Obama.
C. He is given credit for ending the war in Iraq when he had nothing to do with the agreement on the withdrawal date ratified before he ever took office.
Obama also faces the stigma of being compared to Jimmy Carter. A hostage crisis now, with this build up as a great and decisive military leader may now come back to haunt him and his zealot followers. So what does he do?
A. Egypt isn't Somalia. It is a large country with a fairly established social order. Dropping in and snatching nineteen hostages from the Egyptian military would actually be a gutsy call given the tentative nature of our relations with an unstable government. The failure of a Carter rescue attempt would weigh heavily in a re-election year.
B. He can't do nothing until after the election so he has to act.
C. Diplomacy may work especially if Egypt needs funding. But that takes time.
D. Every day this goes on will only enhance the Obama/Carter comparison.
E. After thirty three years this President stills thinks negotiation is the correct path to reign in Iranian nuclear ambitions. This notion borders on absurdity and naivete.
What's a small man to do? Blame the Seals if a rescue mission fails. Blame Bush, the Congress?
Mr. Obama, you need to live up to your followers delusions.
Wednesday, February 01, 2012
It Isn't Illegal When The President Does It.
Ted Olson in the Wall Street Journal: Obama's Enemies List
Friday, January 27, 2012
How Obama Got Elected... Interviews With Obama Voters
I can't help but wonder how many of these people spout the typical liberal drivel about how conservatives are uneducated and march to the orders of their leaders. Projection? Or maybe it is human nature to see your faults in other people but not in yourself. I can't help but chuckle when they come on with their self-assumed intellectual superiority. I have friends like this and sometimes I feel towards them as I would a sibling with a mental disability, hard to get too upset because they simpy can't help it, nor can I help them.
I, Obamanus Hussein Rex, Dragonslayer
I originally posted this July 13, 2008. Some four years later it is relevant again as Obama is today absorbing the adoration of his base for doing his job and agreeing to continue the quest to kill OBL. Making this moment possible took others many tireless hours of connecting the dots, political ridicule and name calling from lesser beings and impending personal danger to achieve over a long decade. Now some narcissist will take credit for himself. A classless buffoon who did everything in his power to oppose the policies and decisions that made this moment possible.
As my explanation unfolds substitute the Iraq War with the UBL killing.

As my explanation unfolds substitute the Iraq War with the UBL killing.

Back in 1981 there was a movie called Dragonslayer that has a scene towards the end that reminds me of the current situation in Iraq. This is a stretch but allow me to explain.
As of this writing the surge troops have been brought back. Some units that were scheduled to be deployed will not be and in recent days news has come that about 20% of our victorious troops will begin an accelerated stand down and the Iraqis stand up. Just as the President has been saying all along. I believe this acceleration my have some political motivation as the election draws near and that is where the scene from Dragonslayer comes in.
Briefly let me remind you of the gist of the movie. The people of Urland are plagued by a dragon. The King of Urland, Casidorus Rex holds a lottery every year where a virgin is selected to be sacrificed to the dragon in hopes of appeasing the it. Emissaries are sent to employ a magician, Ulrich, to destroy the dragon. Ulrich is too old and frail to travel to Urland but his young apprentice, Galen, takes up the challenge. He carried with him a magic stone Ulrich gave him.
Once in Urland Galen falls in love with the king's daughter earning him the hatred of the king and his men who take every measure to keep Galen from being the one to slay the dragon. They become rivals and the king wants the magic stone around Galens neck. When the king's daughter discovers that her father has withheld her name from the lottery she rigs it so her name is selected. Galen is then forced to battle the dragon to save her.
Galen risks his life trying to but the dragon is too powerful. He discovers that Ulrich has made the journey with his magic in the stone. Galen has been instructed to thrown the stone into the lake of fire in the dragon's cave. When he does Ulrich appears and together they slay the dragon.
Now to the point I want to make. In the end Galen has taken a beating, he is bloodied yet victorious. The dragon's carcass has crashed to the ground and the citizens are gathered around it. In comes the cowardly Casiodorus Rex who climbs upon the dragon's body, drives a sword into its body and proclaims "I Casiodorus Rex, dragonslayer."
Bush and his defenders who have taken the criticism from lesser people than themselves whose intent was more for political positioning than concern for our national security are like Galen and Ulrich. Those of the BDS persuasion are like the king and his men.
The troops cannot be withdrawn by the time Bush is out of office. Should Obama win the Democrats will certainly claim that Republicans started the war and Democrats ended it though it was going to happen anyway regardless who is President. ( The SOFA specified December 31,2011 as the date troops would be out of Iraq ).
I mean if they can blame Republicans for high oil prices who knows what other delusions they will try to promote. Since history is written by liberals, that belief will be taught as fact by the rest of the liberal indoctrination and support system's along with their other lies to future generations.
As of this writing the surge troops have been brought back. Some units that were scheduled to be deployed will not be and in recent days news has come that about 20% of our victorious troops will begin an accelerated stand down and the Iraqis stand up. Just as the President has been saying all along. I believe this acceleration my have some political motivation as the election draws near and that is where the scene from Dragonslayer comes in.
Briefly let me remind you of the gist of the movie. The people of Urland are plagued by a dragon. The King of Urland, Casidorus Rex holds a lottery every year where a virgin is selected to be sacrificed to the dragon in hopes of appeasing the it. Emissaries are sent to employ a magician, Ulrich, to destroy the dragon. Ulrich is too old and frail to travel to Urland but his young apprentice, Galen, takes up the challenge. He carried with him a magic stone Ulrich gave him.
Once in Urland Galen falls in love with the king's daughter earning him the hatred of the king and his men who take every measure to keep Galen from being the one to slay the dragon. They become rivals and the king wants the magic stone around Galens neck. When the king's daughter discovers that her father has withheld her name from the lottery she rigs it so her name is selected. Galen is then forced to battle the dragon to save her.
Galen risks his life trying to but the dragon is too powerful. He discovers that Ulrich has made the journey with his magic in the stone. Galen has been instructed to thrown the stone into the lake of fire in the dragon's cave. When he does Ulrich appears and together they slay the dragon.
Now to the point I want to make. In the end Galen has taken a beating, he is bloodied yet victorious. The dragon's carcass has crashed to the ground and the citizens are gathered around it. In comes the cowardly Casiodorus Rex who climbs upon the dragon's body, drives a sword into its body and proclaims "I Casiodorus Rex, dragonslayer."
Bush and his defenders who have taken the criticism from lesser people than themselves whose intent was more for political positioning than concern for our national security are like Galen and Ulrich. Those of the BDS persuasion are like the king and his men.
The troops cannot be withdrawn by the time Bush is out of office. Should Obama win the Democrats will certainly claim that Republicans started the war and Democrats ended it though it was going to happen anyway regardless who is President. ( The SOFA specified December 31,2011 as the date troops would be out of Iraq ).
I mean if they can blame Republicans for high oil prices who knows what other delusions they will try to promote. Since history is written by liberals, that belief will be taught as fact by the rest of the liberal indoctrination and support system's along with their other lies to future generations.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Obama Birth Certificate Faked In Adobe Illustrator - Official Proof 1 ( ...
Interesting but brings to mind why nothing of significance is altered and why would somebody bother to do so. I'd much rather see the college records and explanation of his SSN. Still wonder what passport he used to get into Pakistan.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Hope and Change.. Yes They Can ?
Politico has a post about the low intellectual level of Obama's 2012 State of The Union address:
The recent political drama of the last few silly seasons has brought to my mind the analysis of effective propaganda used by the Nazis. Although evil and despised the fact remains that they were very accomplished at the art of beguiling the masses.
In Mein Kampf Hitler writes:
State of the Union registers at 8th grade reading level
The recent political drama of the last few silly seasons has brought to my mind the analysis of effective propaganda used by the Nazis. Although evil and despised the fact remains that they were very accomplished at the art of beguiling the masses.
In Mein Kampf Hitler writes:
"All propaganda must be popular and its intellectual level must be adjusted to the most limited intelligence among those it is addressed to. Consequently, the greater the mass it is intended to reach, the lower its purely intellectual level will have to be. But if, as in propaganda for sticking out a war, the aim is to influence a whole people, we must avoid excessive intellectual demands on our public, and too much caution cannot be extended in this direction.
The more modest its intellectual ballast, the more exclusively it takes into consideration the emotions of the masses, the more effective it will be. And this is the best proof of the soundness or unsoundness of a propaganda campaign, and not success pleasing a few scholars or young aesthetes.
The art of propaganda lies in understanding the emotional ideas of the great masses and finding, through a psychologically correct form, the way to the attention and thence to the heart of the broad masses. The fact that our bright boys do not understand this merely shows how mentally lazy and conceited they are.
Once understood how necessary it is for propaganda in be adjusted to the broad mass, the following rule results:
It is a mistake to make propaganda many-sided, like scientific instruction, for instance.
The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan. As soon as you sacrifice this slogan and try to be many-sided, the effect will piddle away, for the crowd can neither digest nor retain the material offered. In this way the result is weakened and in the end entirely cancelled out.
Yes They Can. Hope and Change.
Thus we see that propaganda must follow a simple line and correspondingly the basic tactics must be psychologically sound.."
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Friday, January 20, 2012
Obama Announces End To Cloward/Priven Operations
While I am on the subject of Obama, Disney and Deception I thought I'd share this deep analysis of Obamazoids I found but moments ago:
There you have it, one of life's mysteries solved... why do people vote for Obama?
Saturday, January 07, 2012
Truly Orweillian
This is getting so Orwellian. Obama signs the Defense Authorization bill with objections...
To provisions his administration insisted on putting in there.
To provisions his administration insisted on putting in there.
Monday, January 02, 2012
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