Saturday, July 12, 2014

Letter From The DNC

I've received this propaganda from the DNC and I noticed some hilarious aspects. 

Unlike the little petulant pseudo-messiah in the White House, Boehner's pen and phone don't allow him to issues decrees while he stamps his feet and throws tantrums. Instead Boehner has to sit at the grown up table and go through the courts to define proper way Obama should just be doing his job.

Why do they bother themselves with a single citizen? Why do they put in the juvenile 'remember her'?  Do they believe that their low-information voter's memories are that low?  Why is Palin even in the ad? She scares the hell out of them.

Barack talks cool. Be like Barack and talk cool. But if they do nothing then the default is they win. A little concerned are they?

Typical hyperbolic scare tactics but maybe they know they are in trouble.

Saturday, June 07, 2014

Leftist Fascism

A good piece pointing out the fascist nature of the Left.

Doug Ross @ Journal: SOWELL: Obama is not a socialist: Thomas Sowell confirms the fact that we have our very own Eva Perón : One of the reasons why both pro-Obama and anti-Obama observers may b...

The money quote:   "What socialism, fascism and other ideologies of the left have in common is an assumption that some very wise people — like themselves — need to take decisions out of the hands of lesser people, like the rest of us,and impose those decisions by government fiat."

Sowell: Socialist of Fascist @

Sunday, May 25, 2014


Been a while since I've touched this site. May have to clean the cobwebs off.

I have sent messages to the DNC to pass along to Obama that if he is in need of someone to fill the position of the "Why That's A Stupid Idea" czar then my services are available.  I have provided some examples of why the 'Like A Boss' bumper sticker.... was a stupid idea.

Here's the DNC contest to vote on your favorite one.

As the "Why That's A Stupid Idea" czar I would advise against this as the benefits of duping the already-duped base would be inadequate to counter the adverse potential for ridicule. In short, "don't take your delusions out into public only to be aghast that you get laughed at".

For instance, someone might make a simple alteration that counters the metro-sexual machismo you are trying to imply:

Then there would always be the potential for politically aware opponents to make a more relevant comparison to current events. They might make a more realistic comparison between the view within the domestic covens of stepford-sycophants and juxtapose it to the one the world thinks is acting 'Like A Boss':

I would point out that, yes, there are times when Obama has shown composure, cool-headiness and focus 
on the mission at hand despite what his racist critics would allude.

Finally to conclude and advise that; given all due consideration to the points in opposition and having taken diligent review of each, I conclude that their ideas are pegging my 'That's A Stupid Idea Idiotometer'.

I would advise that consideration be given to the declining trend of this Administration's credibility and that this would be a "jumping the shark" campaign should they lean forward.  To get the most effective message out into the public 'top-of-mind' about the President's metro-sexual machismo would be something that is honest, unassailable and a refreshing burst of transparency. Something like this:

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Illegal Immigration Reform

New York Times: House Republicans to Offer Broad Immigration Plan

  Call it what it is - ILLEGAL immigration reform. Conservatives need to start playing the liberal's semantic games. They let the opposition define the issue, and themselves,  in the public's mind by the words they choose to repeat. The problem is that we aren't enforcing the existing laws and led to believe that subsequent laws will somehow be adhered to.